Visual Research Tool (VRT) Goal

By identifying the current product pain points and proposing new solutions, designers can quickly and efficiently understand users' needs, then apply changes to better user experience products.

In this example, twisthink conducted a VRT for a company who desires to provide innovative air solutions that support the goals of the following key stakeholders:

My Role

Executed the big data research, created all graphic illustrations and icons to represent stakeholder, project timeline and concept products.


VRT has divided into three steps, the first step is to listen stakeholder's current user experience with existing products, collect the information of product issues and pain points. The second step is to show the proposed concept, explain its unique features and how it would work. The third step which is also the most important step, is to collect user's feedback and opinions, to testify value and interest level in user's mind, which can be projected as the whole market reaction.

Stakeholder Experience

The New Idea

Stakeholder Opinion

Step 1

Secondary Research

In this example, we started with some high level questions based on secondary researches.

*US Energy Information Admin

Understanding Project Timeline

Understanding user's greatest challenges and collect their insights required more comprehensive research. We need to discover any potential issues from the entire project timeline and ask numerous related questions at each step.

In this case, the project timeline is about how a company sells, designs and installs its products for its customers.

1. Product Demos

1. Product Demos

  • How do you sell to new customers?
  • What support Collateral do you use?
  • Explaining the total lifecycle value of the product

2. System Design

2. System Design

  • How to estimate accurate budget ?
  • Is it difficult to understand owners intent?
  • Do you know all products capabilities and availability?

3. Bid / Quoting

3. Bid / Quoting

  • How fast to process a quoting price?
  • What supports will factory provide?
  • Will company reputation helps bidding?

4. Installation

4. Installation

  • How do you manage logistics?
  • How do you manage installation quality?
  • Who is the main stakeholder of this process?

5. Operational

5. Operational

  • Is product easy to use and maintain?
  • Is there any instruction and training to use the product?
  • What is the warranty polices when products break down?

6. Building update

6. Building update

  • What factors affect choice between repair and replace?
  • Who would make the choice between repair and replace?
  • What is the cost and constraints of repairing / replacing the product?

Identifying Stakeholders

As part of the human-centered design process, identifying the target users is very important. However, the end user is not the only stakeholder we should have considered. There are many players involved an entire project timeline. We have to understand each stakeholder needs and pain points in order to build a comprehensive product.

In this case,  designing the best innovative air solutions, we have identified at least six key players who have different focus and expertise can contribute distinctive insights within particular perspectives.

Sales Rep

Product Focused

  • Presents
  • Designs/ Troubleshoots
  • Sells

Mechanical Engineer

Performance Focused

  • Designs HVAC
  • Helps select best product
  • Specifies

Mechanical Contractor

Installation and Cost Focused

  • Installs equipment
  • Warranty and Maintenance (1yr)


Building Experience Focused

  • Quantify use expectation
  • Hire or collaborate with

Facility Manager

Building Operation Focused

  • Maintain the building

Building Owner

Financially Focused

  • Bank (supplies the money)
  • Check building background and usage

Step 2

The purpose of the second VRT step is to visualize the idea and present it to the stakeholder. Visually explaining what the product could look like? how the product works? what unique features it offers? What improvements it has applied?

In this case, we've crafted every design configuration in 3D graphic illustrations. Even though the items are representational, not literal, we still want user to feel like a real product by capturing all little details.


The third stage is to collect user's first-hand thoughts and opinions of this new idea. By asking questions from different directions and comparing the current product and the new idea, we would have a better sense whether this new product is any better than the current ones, what values and positive experience it could add to its user.

In this example, we would ask questions such as "Will this product minimize /eliminate any of your current pain points during the timeline?"

1. Product Demos

2. System Design

3. Bid / Quoting

4. Installation

5. Operational

6. Building update

1. Product Demos

2. System Design

3. Bid / Quoting

4. Installation

5. Operational

6. Building update

"What combinations and capacities are most useful valuable to you?"
"Do you see a need or advantage in offering all of these components?" "
"How desirable is this product line to you?"
"When do you need it?"

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Thank you for watching!




Graphic illustration